YAR HAR!! In honor of ‘talk like a pirate day’, it is my great pleasure to announce the release of the debut album and video from Neptune’s brand new undersea heavy metal band, CHUM! Avast ye Scallywags!!!!
From the cold, forgotten depths of the deepest, darkest oceanic trenches, CHUM! rises like an ancient leviathan calling to all undersea predators scattered across the seven seas. These massive beasts rise into the light, following the primal undersea rhythm which flows freely like blood on the aquatic currents of the world.
Featuring performances by Lee Eschliman, Wayne Fidler, Chris Davis-Slade, Jay Caddle, Michael Miller, Ed Kellogg, and Bill Pusey.
15% of all proceeds of the album will be donated to Oceana International, for protection of the world’s oceans and marine environments.
Stream & download the album now!
Bandcamp: https://chumchumchum.bandcamp.com/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/chumchumchumof…